Outfitter L'auberge de la rouge Accommodation of L'auberge de la rouge Summer landscape, fish river Hunting and fishing outfitter

Outfitter packages

Lodge - American Plan

Lodge - American Plan

Bedding, 3 meals a day, rowing boat/motor for 2 people (fuel not included)...

More info


Overview of a lake in middle of two mountains

Overview of a lake in middle of two mountains

River between trees

River between trees

Moutain from a sand spot

Moutain from a sand spot

Moutain and rocks

Moutain and rocks

Overview of the forest colored plants and lake

Overview of the forest colored plants and lake

Overview of the forest and colored plants

Overview of the forest and colored plants

Sundown yellow sky and lake reflection

Sundown yellow sky and lake reflection

Sundown yellow, pink sky

Sundown yellow, pink sky

Road to the hostel

Road to the hostel

Near the lake between rocks and wind in water

Near the lake between rocks and wind in water

Overview of a lake, moutain and forest

Overview of a lake, moutain and forest

Side of a lake with colored plants and lot of trees

Side of a lake with colored plants and lot of trees

Overview of a lake and the forest arround

Overview of a lake and the forest arround

Fast river motion and forest view

Fast river motion and forest view

Lake, forest and calm water view

Lake, forest and calm water view

Overview of the hostel

Overview of the hostel

Light flare between trees

Light flare between trees

Sundown in pink, blue, red-orange

Sundown in pink, blue, red-orange

Overview of a lake in middle of two mountains
River between trees
Moutain from a sand spot
Moutain and rocks
Overview of the forest colored plants and lake
Overview of the forest and colored plants
Sundown yellow sky and lake reflection
Sundown yellow, pink sky
Road to the hostel
Near the lake between rocks and wind in water
Overview of a lake, moutain and forest
Side of a lake with colored plants and lot of trees
Overview of a lake and the forest arround
Fast river motion and forest view
Lake, forest and calm water view
Overview of the hostel
Light flare between trees
Sundown in pink, blue, red-orange